Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Year End Updates

Time passes very fast, seemingly gushing past, and before you know it, a year is about to end.

Novemeber was packed with loads of stuff.

There was the usual meeting marathon to review everything in the year and planning for the next year.

Then there was the frantic preparation for the overseas Twinning Programme

Planning and cooking dishes and having a year-end gathering before the year closes.

Frantic packing stuff into 14 boxes to move back to a new school campus

Planning for the chalet that will happen the day after I touch down in Singapore from the overseas trip

The simply unmotivating unpacking of all 14 boxes.

The follow-up to all the preparation for 2009.

Then meeting marathon again.

Then the year ends.

Fun right?

In case some homosapiens still want to ask the same old question again of "Where did you go after you came back from your China working trip?" The answer is "nowhere".


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