Monday, June 22, 2009

Chances in Life

When you are given opportunities, would you pass them up, or grab them?

1) Nominated by teachers to represent school in an event or competition

2) Selected to go for a tough interview.

3) Attending a good concert which has limited seats/tickets.

4) Someone telling you where you went wrong, and you are given a chance to make amends.

Most educational institutions are there for us to err and learn from our mistakes. It is also a place where we learn some basic knowledge. Some may say that the knowledge is usually not applicable in further studies, but none can refute the truth that learning foundational knowledge is critical to developing one's cognitive skills, for example the ability to gather the right information and synthesize knowledge. This is the only phase in life where as long as we make small forgivable mistakes, we can still improve ourselves and move on to be a better person.
Society, however, is not that forgiving. Take the private sector for example. If you were to make a big error, that may be the last one you make for your current job, or the final thing you do before the whole industry learns about you and condemns you for life. A crime committed will entail a jail sentence, a fine, caning, or a combination of the above-mentioned. A heart broken as a result of words spoken rashly will probably mean the relationship will not be as good as new, no matter the efforts to mend it. An opportunity to go for a sought-after course or position, once given up, will probably mean that this chance will never be offered again, since you choose to pass it up.
How many times can we afford to miss our chances before we finally come to terms with the price for our actions? In simple English and in a nutshell, have you missed any chances so far?


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