Monday, March 12, 2007

Sparring Partner

Sometimes, I wish I have a good sparring partner. Why not put what I have learnt about taiji to the test and get myself a physical workout at the same time? Unfortunately, things are not as easy as they look.

Firstly, the sparring partner has to be a male (obviously). He should also have learnt some form of martial arts/wushu/ self defence skills and should be around my height and weight. And most importantly, he is interested to improve himself as well through sparring! I long for the day when I master 推手 and spar regularly with the buddy and find myself improving.

In other aspects of life, we all need "sparring partners". True friends who will spur us on, who will motivate us to push ourselves beyond our limits and not give up. Such people are hard to find, and definitely worth keeping. Also, they will be the best people to tell us our short-comings and mistakes so that we can continue to improve ourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to be your sparing partner 2n2

9:11 pm  

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